Winter camping Snowmobile tours

Enjoy driving your snowmobile in the Yukon far north and discover some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world!

Overnight Guided Snowmobile tours that will bring you in the pristine of the Yukon!
Get tips from experienced local guides and explore gorgeous landscapes driving your own snowmobile!


from 1pm day one to 1pm day two, including overnight


From December to April

Group Size

2 to 4 participant


Fish Lake, Yukon


From $780/participant

Winter camping Snowmobile Tours:

Participante to a snowmobile trip of a lifetime ! Take off on your snowmobile in Canada’s far north,Yukon, in a wild mountainous boreal landscape. It’s in this exceptional environment that we invite you for an immersive experience for the time of a weekend!

Starting from a log cabin in the countryside near Whitehorse

Everyone loads its snowmobile and takes off with a local guide. At this stage, you will experience first hand what true “Wilderness” is.

During the day

Your guide will show you the beauty of this land explaining the northern environment to you and pointing to wildlife and tracks.

In the evening

Our Arctic Oven tent will be setted up and you can start to feel what a true adventure is. Heated with a wood stove this cozy shelter will invite you for the winter night. Your local guide will share with you stories of the Far North around the campfire while eating an authentic Yukon meal and watching Northern Lights!

Price : $780 per person for a shared sled

Single sled supplement : $500

  • The Snowmachine
  • Helmet, warm winter coat, pants, gloves and boots.
  • Winter sleeping bag and comfy mat.
  • All meals, snacks and hot drinks

Pick up and drop off at your accommodation can be arranged for extra fee.

Our team

Passionated, knowlegeable and experienced guides.

Fabien is a Canadian ski patrol and was a professional musher and sleddog racer until recently. He participated in a 3 month expedition from Pacific coast to the Baikal lake in Siberia China and Mongolia, opening the trail on snowmobile.

In addition to guiding experience, Raphaelle is a cross-country, downhill and touring ski certified instructor.

Both guides have their Wilderness Advanced First Aid.

The groups are very small, 2 to 4 participants to allow for an immersive experience, an intimate connection with nature.

Into the wild

High chances to observe northern wildlife (Moose, Caribous, Wolves, Lynx, Coyotes, Eagles) and Northern Lights.

The itinerary of the expedition is unprecedented, the immersion in the true wilderness is striking. We might not even see anyone else on the trail.

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